Original price was: $2,500.00.Current price is: $1,600.00.

The HK MP7 submachine gun is extremely compact, lightweight, can be used in very confined spaces, and is practically recoil-free. It can be carried continuously, making it the ideal personal weapon for the soldier of today. Those who carry it will be suitably armed for the broadest range of operations. Manufactured by Heckler & Koch.


Caliber Length Width Height Barrel Length Sight Radius
4.6 mm x 30 16.34 in 2.01 in 6.65 in 7.09 in 9.06 in


Caliber Weapon (w/o magazine) Magazine (empty)
4.6 mm x 30 4.40 lb 0.44 in


Caliber Operating Principle Magazine Capacity Modes of Fire Rate of Fire Sights Buttstock
4.6 mm x 30 gas operated 20 rd • 30 rd • 40 rd single, full-auto 950 mech. retractable